A blow by blow account of getting a kitchen made on Long Island, New York

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Kitchen Layout

One of the most dramatic things we are doing with the kitchen is revising the layout. I've included the new layout to the right (click on it to make it bigger).

My wife tortured the folks at kitchenscapes to get just what she wanted.

The kitchen is big. As you can see from the layout there is an island that four people can live on for a month (given enough water) and a wrapping L shape that contains all the counter, cabinet and appliance space.

What you don't see from the layout is where the kitchen currently is, which is the long empty space on the right. Yes, we're not just moving the kitchen we're sending it out of town.

This isn't as bad as you think. Back in the late 70s there was a kitchen addition added to the space which dramatically opened up the space. If you picture a vertical line right where the left side of the island is, that's where the original kitchen stopped. Everything to the left of that imaginary line is part of the addition, to the right was kitchen. So it made perfect sense having the kitchen stuff along the top left, with the bottom left being a formal dining area.

Our new layout is a semi-formal dining area (the big chunk of white space on the right 1/3), which really means "no walls". You can see from the kitchen to the dining area to the living room (to the right of the entire layout that you can't see).

Hopefully this won't be a problem for my wife who is the consummate pack rat, messy person (Messypersons of America, member #0067, Long Island Division), and piles of crap don't start to appear on the various counter tops and on her desk area which is in the bottom center of the cabinet layout.

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