A blow by blow account of getting a kitchen made on Long Island, New York

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Counter tops

In anticipation of getting the kitchen done we needed to go and pick granite for the counter top, so Saturday morning I was in a warehouse with about 60 different types or granite and marble arranged in large slabs that could crush you at any moment.

Apparently the way this works is you actually pick not only the type you want but the actual slab(s) they will use to craft into your counter. It reminds me somewhat of the 'pick your own cow' before they take it and slaughter it for you.

The only problem with all of this is that they don't actually move the slabs on Saturday (apparently there are only 2 sales people on Saturday) so what we ended up picking was the top pieces we saw. One for the island and a darker piece for the other counter.

My wife has had enough of this counter top stuff and has been subjected to a wide assortment of stone, so she would have gone with the pink polka dot marble had I insisted.

The sales guy who helped us said that you only pay for the part that they use, a fact that I don't really believe. One good tip I had heard was to ask for the extra pieces since you paid a premium for it. I figured I would use the extra for a cutting board. It would make a good contrast on the island with the darker cutting board.

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