A blow by blow account of getting a kitchen made on Long Island, New York

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cleaning Closets can be fun

OK, not fun but definitely necessary.

Part of the construction project's "might-as-well-do-this" projects is removing the metal casing around the closet door that is adjacent to the kitchen/dining area.

Removing these metal things is a BIG pain in the butt. I had done this to the upstairs closet and without the right tools you're trying to manhandle metal that just doesn't want to be removed. These door frames are secured on both sides and the floor so removing them is not an easy task.

Plus, since we're having the floor repaired where the old kitchen tile was it is logical to remove this ugly thing and fix the floor. It does however go on the list of projects I need to do. While they will repair the floor around where they remove it, I still need to hang a new door, and then repair the wall around it (plus re-paint it). This is ok though.

This brings me to my problem of too much stuff in the closet. This sucker was packed with clothes that needed to be removed to do the work, so logically the clothes need to go somewhere. What better place than the cedar closet downstairs.

Unfortunately, this closet was packed with other clothes that would now need to be displaced.

In going through this closet there were only 3 items (2 of which my wife said, 'that's ugly and ratty, don't keep that') that I elected to save. The rest goes to good will today.

Based on this I offer a piece of advice: THROW OUT YOUR OLD CRAP AND GAIN VALUABLE CLOSET SPACE!

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