A blow by blow account of getting a kitchen made on Long Island, New York

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Getting Stoned on Long Island

This past weekend I needed to take a little ride to the Cancos Tile Stone Quarry and pick out the granite for the new kitchen.

Why I needed to go was a bit of a mystery, because my lovely wife had already picked out the stone that she wanted earlier that week, but I guess she just wanted confirmation on the one she picked out.

The stone place is an interesting place to visit. It's all outside except for a little office. The place is lined with big slabs of stone placed at an angle so you can get a good look at the material. Each slice weights hundreds of pounds, so it's not like you can go flipping through the sheets to get a good one.

We had done this little trip about a month back and had picked out some stone already, but then we found out that the stone my wife picked out was a 'premium' stone and all in total would cost about 18-19 grand. This, was a bit out of our budget (3x out of our budget), so the wife went back to pick out some not-so-premium stone and came to the conclusion that the place the cabinet store sent us to was way too expensive, even for the non-premium stuff so she went looking for a better deal.

At Cancos we found some nice stone that will cost in the 7g range, right where I want it to cost.

The current plan is to do 2 colors, one for the island and one for the main counter top.



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