A blow by blow account of getting a kitchen made on Long Island, New York

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How Robin Williams and I painted the kitchen

This weekend was spent painting the kitchen/dining area. From Saturday to Monday I engaged in various painting activities including priming, sanding and painting.

Most of the help I got this weekend was from Robin Williams, my wife, not so much help.

Saturday morning began by cutting in on the walls. Cutting in is the process of putting paint in the corners so the rollers have a easier time getting paint on to the walls. After a couple of hours of this I was able to begin priming the bare walls.

Up to this point my wife was a trooper cutting in along side me and doing the priming. After this, it was just Robin and I.

Now, I know what you are saying. What compromising photos of Mr. Williams would I need for him to come to my house and get up on a ladder with a roller.

Sadly, I have no photos and he was just there in spirit. The kids by Saturday afternoon were pretty fed up with the whole painting thing and sat down to watch some TV. At this point I put in a DVD I got from Netflix of 'Mork and Mindy', a late 70's sitcom I fondly remembered and figured I would watch again, and maybe the kids would get a chuckle.

After about 20 minutes the kids had declared Robin a comic genius, on the same level with Pachino, Speilberg and Adam West. They were fascinated by this show, having only known Robin Williams as the voice of the blue guy from Aladdin.

This let me get back to my painting, and painting and painting.

All in total about 18 hours of painting, 6 cans of primer, 2 cans of ceiling white and 3 cans of wall color, and over $700 back in my pocket.



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