A blow by blow account of getting a kitchen made on Long Island, New York

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Granite countertops are cool

Yesterday the granite counter tops were put in. This puts us one step closer to a finished kitchen.

It is amazing how much more finished the job looks when the counters are in. The colors for the two counter areas compliment each other as well as the cabinetry and the tile floors.

We had even asked the granite place to save the piece they cut out for the big sink and they offered to cut it round so we made a lazy susan out of it and put it on the island. It really looks great.

The only thing they screwed up was my wife's desk area. Apparently they are really good at measuring everything else, but when it comes to measuring a 3x2 square they have no idea how to do it. This piece (which isn't connected to any of the other pieces) was 1/2 inch short. They offered for us to keep it, but I'm not sure what to do with a really heavy piece with a small hole in it for cables. Maybe I'll make a table, or just let them take it back.

My wife thinks this is all a tease because she can't actually use the kitchen yet. The plumber (who is on vacation this week) needs to hook up the sinks, stove top (which is still not in yet), dishwashers, garbage disposals and hot water dispenser, as well as finalize the radiant heat floor and my hookup to the BBQ outside.

The contractor needs to put in the tile backsplash (after my wife picks out the tile), do some small finish work including hooking up an electrical box and putting in drawer handles.

After that we can get the wood floors stained and sanded, and I need to do some touch-up painting.

Then I can clean up the remnants of construction. I think we're looking at about 2-3 weeks more before it's all done.

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