A blow by blow account of getting a kitchen made on Long Island, New York

Friday, May 4, 2007

Ebay and the Kitchen sink

My lovely wife, who is always looking for a bargain for her new kitchen to be has taken to scouringInternet for deals on things like sinks and faucets and has done a pretty good job finding what she wants and then finding it for a better price.

As a result the first two things to show up at my door are sinks. Since we are going to have two sinks it would behoove us to get two basins, since the alternative are big holes in the new countertop with water running down them.

The good thing about the sinks, the one in the island in particular, is that I actually got my way. That's right sports fans, men 1, women 0. Ok, so it's probably more like women 459 and men 1, but I got my way.

Originally I thought it would be great to get a rectangular sing for the island. It would be smaller, and cooler, and I could fill it with ice and beer for all the parties I don't have. The wife, did not think staffing for parties I don't have would be the best reason to get a long rectangular sink, so she went off on her merry way getting whatever she wanted.

But, months down the line when it came time to find the sink for the island, I snuck the little chestnut in that it would be a good thing to be smaller and have more island space (for the palm tree). She actually went for it and I'm the new owner of a new rectangular sink.

It's even an undermount sink, which is prefferable, but caused all sorts of gyrations from the wife, since she bought it on auction and didn't remember the exact specifics.

So, the moral of the story is save some cash (about $200 per sink) by finding this kind of stuff on auction. Just be sure it's what you want, because otherwise you might be doing the selling on eBay.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Faucets, the long and the short of it.

Apparently faucets come in various sizes shapes colors and functions.

Personally I never gave much thought to the faucet, and I guess most people don't, mainly because, well, it's a faucet. But since we have two of them in the kitchen not only does my wife have to find one that she likes, she needs to find a complementary one to go with it.

She began this quest online and spent a great deal of time pouring over Google and the home sites to find something she liked. When she did, she dutifully went to a local home store to see it for herself. What she found is that you do not have any concept of size on the Internet. Without seeing is that the thing is big.

Lets put aside the problem of finding a complementary one, which appears to be a concept that faucet makers don't quite understand.

So if looking for a new faucet, remember the old adage: Items may appear bigger (or smaller) than they appear.

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